William Uther
2007-08-09 23:04:25 UTC
What's wrong with a drag 'n' drop install? There is nothing external
to the app's bundle. Is there?
I think the issue is that part of the bundle needs to be setuid rootto the app's bundle. Is there?
in order to to be able to launch tunnels that use ports below 1024,
and (guessing here) drag'n'drop isn't going to preserve setuid root.
(At least I _hope_ it doesn't.)
first run them they check their own permissions. If they aren't
setuid, then they use the normal "get admin permissions" dialog to
get admin permissions and set their setuid bit. Then they restart
The FinkCommander application is one example: http://
The end result is a drag-n-drop install that still allows setuid use.
Will :-}